Truthteller. Confidant.
I meet people where they are and my purpose never wavers: To guide dogged leaders toward their highest selves on a path that makes radical transformation inevitable.
Bain & Company. Microsoft. TED. The Boston Consulting Group. Adidas. IBM. Edelman. Harvard. Chanel. Soho House. The company I’ve kept for more than two decades is at the vanguard of tech, business, fashion, and lifestyle. They are stars who resist complacency. Battle-groomed experts who think they’ve seen it all until my process unlocks fresh clarity, direction, and passion.
My clients and I have shed a tear or two together. It happens.
Behaviors evolve. Bonds deepen. Vision expands. Refinement becomes habitual. Growth in one area feathers out exponentially to most others.
I know because it’s happened to me.
Crisis work in the streets of Seattle and Boston showed me that even the most desperate stories can bloom into hard-won tales of empowerment.
A perilous fall from a 70-foot cliff woke me to the power of purpose and vocation when I was but 20-years-old.
Decades of helping the world’s brightest minds weed out stifling patterns and behaviors have only made me a more focused entrepreneur, artist, citizen, and mother myself.
Because joy rests at the intersection of vulnerability, understanding, and action—you must reach for your path to find it.
Let’s talk about how Kismet can help.
— Kristine


Kismet Credo
We’re here, now.
Great leaders are grounded in the present. Here, you are mindful, centered, and unblocked. Emotionally intelligent. Intellectually nimble. Deep presence reveals what we can’t see in the fog of unawareness—here, now, we mold ambiguity into wisdom. The full potential of future moments becomes available because we're fully inhabiting this one.
We push. Together.
Transformation starts with insight, but it takes shape with action. With ownership. Perseverance. Guidance and accountability. Here, now, we remove denial and avoidance from the path to your highest self. We detach from negative patterns that inhibit your success. Because of your discipline, you’ll become stronger and wiser and deeply connected to those around you.
We get real.
Radical honesty is the only path to radical transformation, so we bravely embrace the murk and chaos. The questions. The stories. The patterns. We seek clear-eyed insights through vulnerability and feedback. We don’t shy from difficult truths—we leverage them to light your way ahead.
We transform.
A nourishing sense of identity and potential. A vitality that flows from being untethered by shame. A joy that cascades through deep relationships and deeper self-knowledge. A purpose that’s electric and gratifying. We’ve been coaching leaders across the world for more than two decades—this journey will transform you. All of you.